The History of Campus Church
The story of Campus Church began in the minds of Michael Spradlin and Brad Thompson. These men prayed for several years about planting a church in the Memphis area. As in most large cities, Memphis is seeing an increase in crime and a decline in church attendance. The need for gospel ministry is greater now than ever before. As the city grows in population, more churches must be planted to keep up with the demand.
A friend and colleague, Mikey Mewborn, was searching for a ministry position in the Memphis area when he was invited to a meeting with Michael and Brad. There, Michael and Brad asked Mikey if he was willing to pray about planting a church in the Memphis area. They talked about some particulars, and Mikey agreed to pray. After three weeks of prayer and consideration, Mikey felt called to pastor the new church and started researching church planting.
The three leaders began to work through the countless details of a new church. Mikey sought advice from multiple church leaders, including church planters and associational directors. Leaders of the Mid-South Baptist Association gave wise counsel and started mentoring Pastor Mikey weekly.
During those early days, Mikey Mewborn and Michael Spradlin asked Dr. Bartholomew Orr, pastor of Brown Missionary Baptist Church, to sponsor Campus Church. Dr. Orr was a perfect fit because he had recently helped Pastor Luis Comin plant a Portuguese-speaking church on the campus of Mid-America. Campus Church would become the second church plant meeting at Mid-America with opportunities for more churches to be planted. Praise the Lord for Dr. Orr’s passion for planting churches.
After three interest meetings, Campus Church launched its Sunday services on January 30, 2022. Their first day of worship began with Bible Study at 9 a.m. and Worship at 10 a.m. Approximately 75 people attended the first worship service in the chapel of Mid-America.
Each week, Campus Church seeks to “equip the saints for ministry” and evangelize the lost (Eph. 4:12). The church is aware of the issues plaguing the Memphis area, and it plans to engage these issues with the Word of God. The people of Campus Church know God’s Word is sufficient to save and sanctify the souls of “everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16).